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Why Medklinn?

Medklinn Promise

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99.99%* Mould Free

Moulds can make a perfectly lovely living space smell stuffy, dirty and unpleasant. Medklinn promises to eliminate 99.99% of moulds and provide you a clean and healthy environment.

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99.9%* Germ Free

Kill the bacteria, germs and viruses – break free from the risk and suffering of viral infections. Medklinn promises to safely and effectively sterilize your air+surfaces without the use of any air filters or any chemicals.

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Allergens Reduced

Many people think that dust and dust mites are the real culprits causing allergic rhinitis or sinus infection. However, the truth is that it is the protein in the faeces of the dust mites. Medklinn promises to effectively denature the protein in the dust mite faeces found in all these surfaces.

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Free from Bad Smells

Bad smells do not just linger in the air and disappear – they attach themselves to the surfaces of fabrics and furniture. Medklinn promises to neutralize the toxic gaseous pollutants and bad smells, to provide clean and fresh air.

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Clean Air+Surface

By having a Medklinn unit in your space, 99.9%* of all known bacteria, germs, viruses, moulds and fungi can be continuously eliminated 24/7 from the air that you are sharing and all of surfaces that everybody comes in contact with.

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Customer Satisfaction

Medklinn is dedicated to clean air and reducing the spread of disease in the home and workplace.

Experience a Higher Level of Hygiene & Safety
How Safe Is Safe 3 Min

Medklinn's Cerafusion™ Sterilization Technology offers higher level of protection and safety when compared to general sanitazation practices.

How Safe Is Safe 2 Min
Experience Higher Level of Hygiene & Safety

Medklinn's Cerafusion™ Sterilization Technology offers higher level of protection and safety when compared to general sanitazation practices.



“Within 3 months, the sick leave drop by 8%…another measurement after 12 months, the sick leave drop by 19%.”

Watson’s Malaysia
Serena Ng, HR Director

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